Top 20 interview questions and answers for Magento developers

At the start of your career point, it is really important to choose a technology in which you want to make your future. The interviews can be difficult at the start. It really exciting when you receive an email from company HR about your interview. That one email can give you the confidence that now you are eligible for the interview round. However, it really doesn't matter how prepared you are or how qualified you are.  No matter how many years of experience you have it always going to be tricky. That is why it is necessary to be conscious about what type of question you have to face specifically when you have zero experience.

Moreover, we all are aware of Magento that it is the best and most popular eCommerce platform for today's world. So if you want to start your career as a Magento developer and want to know about what type of question they will ask you then here is everything you need to know. Here are the Top 20 interview questions and answers for Magento developers. We have prepared these questions with the analysis of the companies.

Additionally, when you start your own Magento web development agency you will need to check where you can host your business website. You can use either nexcess or hostinger as they are offering great deals for you. Moreover, you will also need some people to help you. At that point in time, you have to check whether the candidate you are going to hire is knowledgeable enough or not. Further, you will need a professional development team. Hiring is not an easy process. It has many steps to select qualified people for the job. However, there are many factors, but here is one that can help you. Top 20 interview questions and answers for Magento developers that you can discuss with the candidate.

Top 20 interview questions and answers for Magento developers

1. What will you do to improve the performance of Magento 2?

Ans: Here are a few tips to improve the Magento 2 performance:

  • Clear & manage the cache.
  • Install the latest version.
  • Optimize the images.
  • Always clean the Magento database and logs.
  • Merge all the JS and CSS files.
  • Try to use fewer third-party extensions and modules.
  • Page caching

2. What are the steps to write a custom module in Magento 2?

Ans: Complete the following steps to create a custom module in Magento 2:

  • Firstly, create the module folder.
  • Now, create the etc/module.xml file.
  • Then, create a registration.php file.
  • Run the bin/magento setup: upgrade command to install the new module.
  • Lastly, check whether the created new module is working properly or not.

3. What is MVC Architecture?

Ans: Magento is a framework of PHP and PHP uses MVC (Model View Controller) software structure model. MVC structure manages the entire system process structure from the coding side. It also handles system scalability and flexibility.  In detail, the Model is mainly processing the system business rules and data persistence. Next is View. View supports to display the layers of UI like contact page, product page, etc. Lastly controller controls all the primary actions, requests, and responses of the customers. It also changes the model status and creates the view of the model layer data.

Most importantly, you need to clear these points so that you can implement them well. It is highly important to clear these concepts for future technical issues.

4. How many design patterns does Magento 2 have?

Ans: Magento includes 20 design patterns are listed below.

  1. Factory Pattern
  2. Singleton Pattern
  3. Model View Controller Pattern
  4. Front Controller Pattern
  5. Registry Pattern
  6. Prototype Pattern
  7. Iterator Pattern
  8. Object Pool Pattern
  9. Service Locator Pattern
  10. Lazy Loading Pattern
  11. Observer Pattern
  12. Module Pattern
  13. Service Contract
  14. Object Manager (which consist of 11+ Design Patterns)
  15. Proxy Pattern
  16. Factory Classes
  17. Dependency Injection
  18. Injectable Objects
  19. Non-injectable objects
  20. Active records

5. Which command do we generally use to enable or disable a Magento 2 module?

Ans: To enable the module - php bin/magento module:enable module_name

To disable the module - php bin/magento module:disable module_name

6. How to add a new theme in Magento 2?

Ans: Here are the steps to follow for adding a new theme in Magento 2.

  • First, create a directory at app/design/frontend/<your_vendor_name>/<your_theme_name>.
  • Then, add a declaration file theme.xml and generate etc directory.
  • Now, create a view.xml file in the theme directory.
  • Also create directories for CSS, JS, Images, and fonts.
  • Check and configure your theme in the Admin panel.

7.   What if catalog_product_flat_data is running?

Ans: Whenever catalog_product_flat_data is running, all the data is retrieved through EAV. So it slowdowns the performance through both the indexing process. Though the information of the product will be correct.

8. Which types of web servers are required for Magento 2?

Ans: 1. Apache 2.4

2. Nginx 1 or above

9. Where is the Vendor Path file located?

Ans: The vendor_path.php is located under the app/etc/folder.

10. What is the actual technology used behind the Magento 2?

Ans: Magento is a framework of PHP. Magento 2 uses PHP version 7.0.2 and above versions. It also uses MySQL version 5.6 or 5.7.

11. What is EAV?

Ans: EAV means Entities, Attributes, and Values. EAV is also known as object-attribute-values or Open schema. It is used in Magento as a database or catalog management system.

Entity helps to represent Magento data items like products, customers, etc. Attributes stores data elements that are connected with entities. And Value is linked with attributes.

12. What are Magento dependency injections?

Ans: Magento dependency injection is a type of design pattern that is used to implement control inversion. Moreover, it helps to comprise the code reusability, easy to test the code, trouble-free app maintenance.

13. Difference between a cache:clean and cache:flush?

Ans: cache:clean deletes all the cache that has been enabled for Magento and cache:flash deletes all the cache storage whether it is a third-party or Magento cache.

14. How to reset the Magento file and directory permissions?

Ans: To reset the Magento file and directory permissions, run the following command in cmd.

find . –type f –exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . –type d –exec chmod 755 {} \;
chmod +x mage

15. What is the command to set up an upgrade in Magento 2?

Ans: Run the following command to set up the upgrade in Magento 2.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

16. How many tables are created after the generation of a new EAV model?

Ans: Here is a list of tables that you can be created after the generation of a new EAV model.

  • module
  • module_int
  • module_text
  • module_decimal
  • module_datetime
  • module_varchar

17. How to create custom values specific for the store in the admin panel with an architectural pattern?

Ans: You need to choose a corresponding feature from the Extension Attribute view.

18. Why Magento 2 is better than Magento 1?

Ans: Here are the reasons why Magento 2 is better than Magento 1.

  • SEO-friendly
  • Faster and improved performance
  • Supports latest PHP
  • More user friendly and cleaner coding than Magento 1
  • Many more

19. What are the features of Magento 2?

Ans: The following are the main features of Magento 2.

  1. Secure
  2. Easy to upgrade
  3. SEO reporting and analytics
  4. Extremely customizable
  5. Great support
  6. Open-source platform

20. What are the requirements for installing Magento 2?


  • Make sure you have your own Magento store or you are not on shared hosting.
  • It is necessary to have everything like a web server, database, etc. on one host.
  • The OS should be either Ubuntu or CentOS.
  • Install via composer create-project.
  • Install it to the Magento 2 subdirectory under the webserver docroot. For instance, /var/www/html/magento.

Final Words

To sum up, anyone who wants to make their career in Magento and prepare for an interview can refer to these top 20 interview questions and answers for Magento developers. Moreover, if you are new to hiring a Magento developer then, these will help you. Furthermore, be confident about the interview. So, these are the basic question that you can refer to. There is a lot more in Magento that will learn once you get the job. Additionally, they will also ask some general questions like your hobbies, family members and etc.

However, there are many companies that provide dedicated Magento developers that will help you in your daily Magento-related work. In case, if you have any doubts or you feel we have missed any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to add those to serve you better. The comment section is all yours.

All the very best!