Email Marketing Best Practices

Want to effectively engage with your prospective and existing customers? Email marketing strategies come to the rescue. 

This has proven to be one of the most invaluable practices to drive sales - a study suggests that the ROI generated from email marketing is 4,200%. From this stat, it is quite clear how powerful this E-commerce marketing tactic is. 

Although, it is quite difficult to get more open rates and reads. There is a lot of competition in the market who are running more successful campaigns using this communication channel. 

That is why we have come up with this blog to make a clear vision of what email marketing is. and what are the E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices?

Table of Contents:

What exactly is E-commerce Email Marketing?

In simple terms, E-commerce Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy where businesses can send emails to engage with their existing and prospective customers. 

It involves simple Email marketing tactics like weekly email sending with a promotional perspective. Additionally, there can be complex emails with automated features to a huge audience like reconnecting with the customers or sending special membership offers. 

However, the priority is on proactively engaging with the clients and driving online sales as much as possible. 

6 E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices to Magnify your Online Sales

It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie in eCommerce email marketing or looking for ways of conversion optimization, these email marketing tactics are gonna be a sound foundation to strongly develop targeted email campaigns.

#1 Begin with a Welcome Email Series

The first & foremost of the E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices - A welcome email. It would be the first interaction with your to-be customer. It is sent when the user has just subscribed to your newsletter. 

Moreover, welcome emails have an open rate of 68.6%. So it's an effective method of making the first impression correctly.

An alluring & engaging welcome email forms the basis of future customer communication. Apart from only introducing your company, it also stimulates interest in prospective customers.

Consider the below pointers for welcome emails:

  • Inform them about your brand.
  • Tell them what lies ahead in your emails.
  • Give an advantageous scheme for newsletter subscriptions.
  • Tell them how you shine out from others in the market.
  • Assemble customer information to divide personalize emails.
  • #2 An Appealing Subject Line

    The second in our Email Online marketing tips is the subject line. Regardless of how enchanting the email you create, if you neglect the subject line, you’re gonna lose your prospects. The subject line appears first in the user’s inbox. So it is the toughest part which you can win by just getting it compelling.

    According to a study, 64% of users open emails on the basis of the subject lines. So do not miss the window to spark your subscriber’s interest with a catchy subject line

    Consider the below pointers to write subject lines:

  • Clear & precise - not exceeding 60 characters.
  • Make use of emojis
  • Add a touch of personalization
  • Experiment with words

  • #3 Pretty Visuals Is The Key

    Circulating your message across with stunning visuals is not at all a bad idea. 

    Visuals are one of the most effective E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices. Expect a 27% open rate and 4.5% CTR with graphical emails in comparison to the 20% open rates and 3% CTR in text-based emails. While it may seem like a minimal difference but is huge in terms of sales. 

    Emails can consist of stock photos as far as they are relevant. Plus, GIFs, illustrations, and videos are the most effective when explaining your company culture and adding fun parts to your Email marketing tactics. 

    Take these strategies on hand:

  • Keep the size within 1 MB.
  • Maintain a text-to-image ratio of 4:1
  • Keep a habit of adding alt text to your images
  • Give links to the visuals
  • #4 Prioritize Mobile-friendly Emails

    61.9% of subscribers open emails through their cellular devices. Your E-commerce marketing will last longer if the emails are mobile-friendly. 

    Take these Email marketing tactics for mobile optimization:

  • Utilize a mobile-optimized template
  • Make use of larger fonts
  • CTA should be at the top.
  • Shorter subject lines - 25-30 characters

  • #5 Persuasive CTA Buttons

    Creating an engaging email and expecting your users to purchase products is not enough. You need to give them an instant action button.  CTAs are helpful to allow your subscribers to take certain actions like Product purchasing,

    Reviewing a recent order and so on.

    You can take the below Online marketing tips for compelling CTAs:

  • Only 1 main CTA button - not multiple actions.
  • Utilize the subject line as the CTA preview
  • Utilize words like: “ORDER NOW”, “HURRY UP”, etc.

  • #6 Determine the Right Time 

    The next in the E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices include the right time to send emails. It is the best option to get maximum engagements and boost conversion optimization. Suppose you send a limited-time offer email at midnight 12:00 AM, you will have minimal open rates as most of your subscribers would be sleeping or hanging out with friends or families. So, you will lose a lot of your online sales during this time.

    However, the right time for sending emails cannot be determined on its own. The time that best works for your competition may not work for you. So, the best method is to experiment and examine which is the most appropriate time for your audience. Moreover, the time also relies on the type of email.  

    For example, confirmation mail for an email is sent right after the subscriber orders a particular product. Additionally, send thank you emails after the customers receive a purchased product. 

    Wrap Up!

    This concludes our discussion on E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices! Here's the conclusion to this article. It is our hope that you will find this guide useful in learning more about the importance of e-commerce Email marketing strategies.

    Therefore, we believe email marketing for eCommerce stores has a great deal of potential. Using these Email marketing strategies, you can increase sales, retain old clients, and attract new leads. With targeted email campaigns, you can take your business to the next level, regardless of your level of expertise. You may be surprised to see how quickly your brand grows!